James Luster

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Traffic Tickets Defense

Traffic tickets typically fall under the category of “Class C Misdemeanor.” This category also includes minor assaults and theft of property with a value under fifty dollars. If you are charged with any type of Class C Misdemeanor, you should consider speaking with a defense attorney. Frequently, people who receive tickets for traffic violations will just pay the ticket to avoid the hassle of disputing the case or negotiating the fine. If you have received a ticket or citation in Fort Worth, Arlington, Weatherford, or any nearby city, why not contact the Luster Law Firm and let James take the hassle off your hands and work toward a dismissal or reduced fine? In any criminal case, including simple speeding tickets, the accused person is presumed innocent and the government must prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Let a defense lawyer review your case as well as any charging documents and legal paperwork filed by the government to see if your case should be dismissed or if the fine should be reduced. Even if that speeding ticket doesn’t seem like that big of a deal today, let James help you avoid insurance hikes and expensive surcharges that can result from the DPS’ “point system.”